
Executive Seminar: Conflict Resolution, Cooperation, and Challenges in the MENA Region” 9–13 December 2024

The NESA Center recently hosted an Executive Seminar focused on emerging dynamics in the MENA region and assessed opportunities for creating conditions for resolving differences.

“Royal Jordanian National Defense College Academic Workshop” 19–21 November 2024

The NESA Center facilitated a workshop for the Commandant of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College and senior faculty held at the U.S. National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

“Dialogue on Regional Security Issues with the Indian Institute of Public Administration” 18 November 2024

NESA Center leadership and faculty welcomed five delegates from the Indian Institute of Public Administration for an exchange of informed views on strategic issues among peer researchers.

Welcome to the NESA Center

The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies is the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) regional center focused on enhancing security cooperation between the U.S. and the NESA region. The NESA Center team leverages practitioner and academic experience to provide a collaborative space for policymakers to advance security strategy and foster collaboration across borders.
NESA Center participants–comprised of foreign and defense policy professionals, diplomats, academics, and civil society leaders–come from the NESA region and beyond to engage in NESA Center seminars, workshops, and Track II diplomacy programs aimed at developing solutions for the region extending from North Africa across the Arabian Peninsula and into South Asia.