2023 Qatar Joint Staff College Washington Study-NESA Center Program
May 19, 2023 2023-05-19 15:222023 Qatar Joint Staff College Washington Study-NESA Center Program
2023 Qatar Joint Staff College Washington Study-NESA Center Program
From 29 April–10 May 2023, the NESA Center hosted the Washington Study Program of Qatar’s Joaan bin Jassim Command and Staff College Senior Officer Program in Washington, D.C. The 38 participants included senior military officers and senior leaders from various Qatari government agencies. This program was part of a capstone trip at the end of a challenging year-long academic program.
Associate Professor David Des Roches led the course as participants took part in various discussions with experts who have served in senior positions in the U.S. government and the Washington think tank community. Topics discussed included the U.S. government, the U.S. National Security Strategy, the presidency, Russia’s war in Ukraine, energy, the U.S. aspect of power, drones, and Iran. NESA Center Director LTG Terry Allen Wolff, USA (Ret.) delivered a lecture on the U.S. presidency. There were also presentations on different government agencies. Towards the end of the program, the group participated in a leadership and logistics-focused staff ride of the Gettysburg battlefield and a commencement at the National Museum of the United States Army.
Read about the last Qatar Joint Staff College Program held from 15–20 June 2022.