Russian New Historical Discourse

  By LTC Arto Hirvela, Finnish Army, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group 19 Jan 2021 Introduction: The Russian regime (Putin especially) has made victory over Nazism a cornerstone of their national ideology and legitimacy. President Putin deems the collapse of the Soviet Union as the major geopolitical disaster Read More >

US Confirms Full Sovereignty of Morocco over the Sahara in Exchange for Recognizing Israel

Moha Ennaji, a NESA Alumnus, is President of the South North Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Migration Studies in Morocco. His most recent books include Managing Cultural Diversity in the Mediterranean Region  and Multiculturalism and Democracy in North Africa: Aftermath of the Arab Spring. 8 January 2021 – Following recent developments in the Middle East, Read More >