October–December 2022 NESA Center Update Report

NESA Update Report Graphic 2022 10–12

View the NESA Center October–December 2022 Update focused on Near East South Asia Region Trends regarding climate change. The update also highlights October through December 2022 NESA Center Programs & Events, Faculty & Staff Engagements, Alumni Contributions, and Upcoming Events. October–December 2022 Climate Change Trends: People and governments in the NESA region seem interested in “doing Read More >

Weaponizing the Belt and Road Initiative

CSAG STRATEGY PAPER By: LCDR Stipe Skelin, Croatian Navy (CSAG/CCJ5), CDR Hubert Mróz, Polish Navy (CSAG/CCJ5), and MAJ Ibrahim Elveren, Turkish Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 12 December 2022   Overview: In October 2012, Professor Wang Jisi was the first Chinese scholar to speak about the need for China to revitalize the three Silk Roads to Southeast Asia, Read More >

Sommet USA-Afrique – Le continent Africain, enjeu de la nouvelle dynamique géopolitique (Analyse)

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 16 Décembre 2022 Après les sommets “France-Afrique”,  “Russie-Afrique”, “Turquie-Afrique”, “Chine-Afrique” et “Japon-Afrique”, c’est au tour de Washington de Read More >

August–September 2022 NESA Center Update Report

NESA Update Report Graphic

View the NESA Center August–September 2022 Update focused on Near East South Asia Region Trends regarding Afghanistan. The update also highlights August through September 2022 NESA Center Programs & Events, Faculty & Staff Engagements, Alumni Contributions, and Upcoming Events. August–September 2022 Afghanistan Trends: 15 August 2022 marked the first anniversary of the Taliban rule in Read More >

L’Algérie est en faveur d’une zone exempte d’armes de destruction massive dans la région

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 1 Décembre 2022 L’Algérie vient d’être élue en qualité de vice-présidente de la 27e session de la Conférence Read More >

L’Algérie au centre de la politique africaine des Etats Unis à l’Ere d’une nouvelle dynamique géopolitique (Analyse)

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 22 Novembre 2022 A l’occasion de sa récente  conférence de presse, Madame l’Ambassadeur des Etats Unis à Alger, Read More >

What is Behind the Humanitarian Policy of the Russian Federation

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: Hany Mohamed, LTC, Egypt Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 9 November 2022 Subject: What is behind (Концепция гуманитарной политики Российской Федерации за рубежом)? The Concept of the Russian Humanitarian Policy document. Purpose: To present a rational and literal analysis for the contents and timing of the humanitarian abroad policy of the Russian Federation and Read More >

Weaponization of the Belt and Road Initiative

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: Hubert Mroz, CDR, Polish Navy (CSAG/CCJ5), Stipe Skelin, LCDR, Croatian Navy (CSAG/CCJ5), Ibrahim Elveren, MAJ, Turkish Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 9 November 2022 Subject: Weaponizing of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the results of the CSAG’s analysis of the dual-use concept (i.e., civilian-military) Read More >

The Future of Saudi-Turkish Bilateral Relations

CSAG STRATEGY PAPER By: COL Humoud Alradaan, KWT MOD, Action Officer, CSAG CCJ5 28 October 2022   Overview: Saudi Arabia possesses deep-rooted historical and cultural ties with Türkiye. The history of diplomatic relations dates to 1929, following the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the two countries. Bilateral relations have been strengthened Read More >

Perceptions of the Indo-Pacific – Views from the NESA Region

In August 2022, the NESA Center distributed a survey to its alumni network with a range of questions formulated around U.S. policy towards the Indo-Pacific and how that impacts the countries of the NESA region. The survey also sought to measure attitudes about Chinese engagement in the Indo-Pacific and NESA regions. The survey contained a Read More >