UK Withdrawal in the 1970s and Reduction of US Military Footprint in 2021: A Comparison

By: LCDR Stipe Skelin, HRV Navy, CSAG CCJ5 22 June 2022 Overview: This document proposes through the study of a historical case – the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Middle East (ME) in the 1970s – to establish a comparison with the continuous reduction of the US footprint. The political, financial, and military Read More >

Does the Appetite to End the Conflict in Yemen Exist?

By: LTC Madalin Iordache, ROU Army, CSAG CCJ5 09 Feb 2022 Introduction: On September 24th, 2014, the Houthis rebels, endorsed by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and his loyalist forces, seized control of the historic Yemen capital Sana’a and overthrew the government of Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi, the president at the time. It is the Read More >

GCC-Algeria Relationship within the Regional Constellation

NESA Center Alumni Publication By Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui, Chairman of 15 December 2021 Background The states of the Gulf and North Africa are part of one strategic space defined, broadly, by shared linguistic, cultural, religious, social, and historical characteristics. Both subregions are members of the League of Arab States, and they perceive themselves to Read More >

One-Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic in Yemen: An Opportunity to Refocus Foreign Powers’ Attention and End a War?

By: LtCol Michael von Normann, German Army, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group 14 June 2021 Introduction: More than six years into the Saudi-led intervention, the situation in Yemen is no longer a concern to Yemenis alone. This conflict is a clear example of the permanent struggle between regional Read More >

Will a Major US Disengagement in the Middle East Lead to Conflicts Resulting in More Refugees and Migration?

By LTC Ali AL-Kaabi, UAE Air Force, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group 07 May 2021 Introduction: Recent indicators stress a likely US gradual disengagement from CENTCOM’s area of responsibility. This likely US disengagement would affect key areas including national/regional security, the change in migration patterns, the affected countries’ Read More >

هل ستحدث إدارة بايدن فرقًا بالنسبة لليمن

يسعى الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن إلى إنهاء الحرب المستمرة منذ ست سنوات في اليمن، من خلال الحد من التدخلات العسكرية والعودة إلى الدبلوماسية حيث شكل فوز بايدن في الانتخابات الرئاسية الامريكية عامل ضغط على التحالف لتشكيل الحكومة والخروج بحل توافقي. اللافت للنظر أن توجه إدارة بايدن لا يختلف كثيراً عن  الاستراتيجية التي تسعى السعودية حالياً Read More >

From Warring Partner to Peace Broker – Impact of the New Administration’s Policy towards the War in Yemen

By: LtCol Michael von Normann, DEU A, CSAG Middle East Branch 02 Mar 2021 Introduction: In his first foreign policy speech on February 4, 2021, President Biden announced the US would end its support for the Saudi-led coalition’s offensive operations in Yemen. The new policy laid out by the President also included the suspension of Read More >

Blacklisting the Houthis: What is the Price – What is the Gain?

By LtCol Michael von Normann, German Army, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group, Middle East Branch 9 Feb 2021 Introduction: On December 30, 2020, three precision-guided missiles struck Aden Airport where a plane carrying Yemeni cabinet members had just landed. The strike killed twenty-seven people and wounded over 130. Read More >