Cynthia Pritchett

Strategic Plans Coordinator & CENTCOM Liaison

Cynthia Pritchett

Cynthia (Cindy) Pritchett is the strategic planner for the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies and serves as their Liaison to U.S. Central Command in Tampa. Ms. Pritchett joined the NESA Center in 2010, and is responsible for planning, coordinating and synchronizing the Center’s annual program plan consisting of over 70 events in support of Department of Defense objectives.

Ms. Pritchett was formerly a Soldier in the United States Army, retiring as a Command Sergeant Major after over 36 years of active service. She served for two years, as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of Combined Forces Command –Afghanistan and principle advisor to the Commander on all matters concerning the health, morale, welfare, and support and force sustainment of all U.S and coalition forces assigned. She holds a master’s degree in International Relations Global Studies from Troy University and a bachelor’s degree in administration and management from Excelsior College.