David DesRoches

Professor of Practice

David Des Roches

David Des Roches is a Professor of Practice at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies. Prior to this, he was the director responsible for defense policy concerning Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Prior to this assignment, he has served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense as the DoD Liaison to the Department of Homeland Security, as the senior country director for Pakistan, as the NATO operations director, and as the deputy director for peacekeeping. His first job in government was as a special assistant for strategy and later as the international law enforcement analyst in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

A British Marshall Scholar, he has also attended the Federal Executive Institute, the German Staff College’s Higher Officer Seminar, the US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School and the US Army Command and General Staff College. 

An Airborne Ranger in the Army Reserve, he was awarded the Bronze Star for service in Afghanistan. He has commanded conventional and special operations parachute units and has served on the US Special Operations Command staff as well as on the Joint Staff.


      • M.S.S., Strategic Studies, US Army War College
      • M.A., War Studies, King’s College
      • M.A., Near and Middle East Area Studies, London School of Oriental and African Studies
      • B.S., International Relations and Arabic, United States Military Academy

Areas of Interest:

      • Arabian Peninsula and Mediterranean Littoral
      • Unconventional Warfare
      • Stabilization and Reconstruction
      • Homeland Defense