Iraq’s National Defense College Visit to NDU
September 25, 2021 2021-09-25 16:46Iraq’s National Defense College Visit to NDU
On 20–24 September 2021, the NESA Center hosted a delegation from Iraq’s National Defense College (INDC). The first day started with opening remarks from NESA Center Dean Dr. Roger Kangas and a seminar introduction from NESA Center Professor Daniel Curfiss, who also moderated the seminar series. Over the course of the five-day seminar, members of the NESA Center’s leadership, faculty, and several guest speakers delivered remarks on topics including countering violent extremism, strategic leadership, introduction to the U.S. government, policy decision making, professional military education, a diplomat’s perspective, Afghanistan, asymmetrical warfare, and regional concerns. NESA Center leadership and faculty speakers included Director LTG Terry Wolff, U.S. Army (Ret.), Professor Daniel Curfiss, Professor Richard Wiersema, Dr. Michael Bell, Professor Ali Jalali, Professor David Des Roches, and Dr. Gawdat Bahgat. Members of the Iraqi delegation also had the chance to engage with NESA faculty members and guest speakers in dialogue, asking hard-hitting questions of speakers and providing an Iraqi perspective on the multitude of issues discussed throughout the week.