Israel Indo-Pacific Roundtable Virtual Workshop

From 27–28 March 2024, the NESA Center for Strategic Studies held an inaugural Israel Indo-Pacific Roundtable Virtual Workshop on Zoom. The workshop provided a venue for participants from Israel and across the Indo-Pacific region to discuss shared interests, identify new areas for cooperation, and strengthen their partnerships.

Israel Indo-Pacific Roundtable Virtual Workshop speakers from the top left: Dr. Michael Sharnoff, Associate Professor, NESA Center; Carice Witte, SIGNAL, Israel; Dr. Meena Singh Roy, West Asia Lead, Tillotoma Foundation, India; Dr. Amane KOBAYASHI, Senior Researcher at the Japanese Institute of Middle Eastern Economies (JIME); Jeffrey Payne, Assistant Professor, NESA Center; Abhijit Singh, Fellow, ORF, India; Dr. David Brewster, Australian National University; Dr. Ehud Eiran, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa; Dr. Jennifer Jefferis, Adjunct Professor, NESA Center; Dr. Raji Pillai Rajagopalan, ORF, India; Agam Rafaeli-Farhadian, Engineering Architect, Armis Security; Daisuke Kawai, Project Assistant Professor / Deputy Director, Economic Security Research Program (ESRP), Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo; Dr. Amit Mor, Eco Energy Financial and Strategic Consulting; and Dr. Anasua Chaudhury, ORF-Kolkata.


NESA Center Associate Professor Dr. Michael Sharnoff, Assistant Professor Jeff Payne, and Adjunct Professor Dr. Jennifer Jefferis led the workshop, which included more than 40 scholars and practitioners from Israel and the Indo-Pacific region. The two-day virtual workshop included four-panel sessions to discuss security issues and avenues for scientific and technological coordination and infrastructure. The conversations during question-and-answer aimed to understand the challenges and opportunities for Israel and countries in the Indo-Pacific region, identify potential areas of coordination, establish relationships between participating countries, and develop concrete proposals for consultation in specific areas.


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