President Al-Sisi Puts Egypt Back on its Feet

By LTC Sami Alshehri, Saudi Arabian Military, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group 30 Mar 2021 Introduction: As some have observed, the Muslim Brotherhood government that followed the 2011 revolution completely failed and created a power vacuum. However, Brotherhood rule in Egypt effectively ended the utopian idea that political Read More >

Coherency of EU Foreign Policies towards the USCENTCOM AOR

By LtCol Arto Hirvela, FIN Army, US Central Command: Strategy Plans and Policy Directorate; Combined Strategic Analysis Group 19 Mar 2021 Introduction: Within the USCENTCOM area of responsibility (AOR), the European Union (EU) policies towards Central and South Asia, and the Middle East are widely different and lack a comprehensive approach. While the EU published Read More >

NESA IOR Digital Series with Darshana Baruah

5 April 2021 – This edition of the NESA IOR Digital Series features Ms. Darshana Baruah, Head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s newly announced Indian Ocean Initiative. This conversation discusses the development of a maritime-linked regional identity throughout the Indian Ocean littorals and what forces are likely to shape how regional states engage Read More >

NESA IOR Digital Series with Dr. Christopher Colley

23 March 2021 – This iteration of the NESA IOR Digital Series features comments from Dr. Christopher Colley of the UAE National Defence College. His research on China-India relations is discussed, as well as what he sees as the nature of competition among major powers and how smaller regional states in the IOR (Indian Ocean Read More >

Roundtable Discussion with Omani Ambassador to the United States, Moosa Hamdan Moosa Al Tai

25 March 2021 – On Thursday, the NESA Center held a roundtable discussion with the Omani Ambassador to the United States Moosa Hamdan Moosa Al Tai. Dr. Gawdat Bahgat moderated the discussion. The ambassador addressed bilateral relations between the Sultanate and the United States as well as regional issues including the on-going war in Yemen Read More >

The Indo-Pacific and Security Challenges with Mr. Blake Herzinger

In this iteration of the NESA IOR Digital Series, NESA’s Jeff Payne is honored to speak with Mr. Blake Herzinger, a Non-resident WSD-Handa Fellow with the Pacific Forum and President of the Singapore chapter of CIMSEC. Mr. Herzinger’s expertise in security assistance, maritime security, and sea-power are discussed in relation to the Indo-Pacific and the Read More >

هل ستحدث إدارة بايدن فرقًا بالنسبة لليمن

يسعى الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن إلى إنهاء الحرب المستمرة منذ ست سنوات في اليمن، من خلال الحد من التدخلات العسكرية والعودة إلى الدبلوماسية حيث شكل فوز بايدن في الانتخابات الرئاسية الامريكية عامل ضغط على التحالف لتشكيل الحكومة والخروج بحل توافقي. اللافت للنظر أن توجه إدارة بايدن لا يختلف كثيراً عن  الاستراتيجية التي تسعى السعودية حالياً Read More >

Algeria, a key player for reconciliation in Mali and sustainable peace in the Sahel

NESA Center Alumni Publication By Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui** 28 March 2021 Northeast Mali was shaken two weeks ago by a deadly terrorist attack against the Malian security forces. This attack was followed by others in areas in western Niger bordering Mali. It is certainly not insignificant that these Violent Extremist Organization (VEO) operations happens at Read More >

Tunisian National Defense Institute National Security Seminar

On March 24–25, 2021 – The NESA Center in partnership with US Africa Command held its tenth annual Tunisian National Defense Institute (NDI) National Security Seminar for 45 senior government officials from 14 Tunisian agencies. The NDI led by the Director, Commodore Faouzi Zaiem, is a year-long Ministry of Defense program. It’s now in its Read More >