
Saudi Arabia National Guard Command and Staff College Program

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia National Guard Command and Staff College Program

From 18 to 24 April 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies held sessions supporting the students of the Saudi Arabia National Guard (SANG) Command and Staff College. Commencing at the NESA Center at the National Defense University (NDU) in Washington, D.C., the SANG Command and Staff College students met with NESA Center Acting Director COL David Lamm, USA (Ret.), alongside Associate Dean Richard Wiersema and Professor Dr. Gawdat Bahgat. The sessions included an overview of the NESA Center and NDU, coupled with a focused examination of the themes “Russia/Iran Drone Cooperation.” The group proceeded to the Joint Forces Command and Staff College (JFSC) in Norfolk, VA, where they engaged with senior leaders Dr. Charles Davis and Mark Erickson, who discussed the organizational framework and mission of the JFSC, in addition to best practices in mid-career military education. Overseeing the proceedings was Professor David Des Roches, serving as the program lead.

A group photograph with Acting Director COL David Lamm, USA (Ret.), (center-left); Professor Gawdat Bahgat (center-right); Associate Dean Professor Richard Wiersema (right), and Saudi Arabia National Guard Command and Staff College students at National Defense University in Washington, D.C.


A group photograph with Professor David Des Roches (back-left), Mark Erickson (center-left), Dr. Charles Davis (center-right), and Saudi Arabia National Guard Command and Staff College students at the Joint Forces Command and Staff College in Norfolk, VA.


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