Scott Dorsey

Resource Specialist

Scott Dorsey (202) 685-3847

Scott Dorsey is the Resource Specialist and subject matter expert for security and travel at the NESA Center. As the Defense Area Security Officer (DASO), he is responsible for ensuring the NESA Center’s operations comply with National, DoD, and NDU security directives and policies. Mr. Dorsey previously served as the Program Planning Manager at the NESA Center for 15 years. He worked at the NESA Center’s sister organization, the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, as the Program Support Manager. Before working for the NESA Center, Mr. Dorsey was a branch manager for 10 years at Suntrust Bank (Capitol Hill). He has proven expertise in program management, program planning, procurement, accounting, finance, and budgeting. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Virginia Union University. Scott has several Federal Government Budgeting certificates as well as a Leadership and Planning certificate from George Washington University.