Senior Executive Seminar: Global & Regional Power Competition

From 15-19 November 2021, the Near East South Asia Center (NESA) hosted a virtual Senior Executive Seminar titled “Global and Regional Power Competition.” The seminar started off with welcomes from Course Director Dr. Michael Sharnoff, NESA Center Academic Dean Dr. Roger Kangas, and NESA Center Director LTG Terry A. Wolff, USA (Ret.). The five-day seminar series focused on great power competition, its history, recent developments, and how it impacts key policy areas – particularly in the NESA region.

Discussion sessions were led by NESA Center Professor Col Daniel Curfiss, USMC (Ret.), NESA Center Professor Amb. Ali Jalali, NESA Center Professor Mr. Jeffrey Payne, NESA Center Deputy Director COL (Ret.) David Lamm, NESA Center Professor Ms. Anne Moisan, and facilitators from leading institutions. Sessions covered larger thematic issues such as the military’s role in great power competition and climate change as well as more granular discussions of security developments within specific regions and rising regional powers such as Iran and Turkey. Discussions on regional issues provided participants with a detailed overview of the history of regional powers, the factors that are influencing their political and strategic planning, and the instruments by which they project power and engage with great power competition.

Speakers from top left: Dr. Michael Sharnoff (Professor, NESA Center), Dr. Roger Kangas (Academic Dean, NESA Center), LTG Terry A. Wolff USA (Ret.)(Director, NESA Center), Dr. Thomas Lynch (Distinguished Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic Research at the Institute of National Strategic Studies of the National Defense University), Col Daniel Curfiss USMC (Ret.)(Professor, NESA Center), Mr. Jeffrey Payne (Professor, NESA Center), Ms. Anne Moisan (Professor, NESA Center), Amb. Ali Jalali (Distinguished Professor, NESA Center), Dr. Naysan Rafati (Senior Iran Analyst at International Crisis Group), Dr. Amy Austin Holmes (International Affairs Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations), Mr. Erik Brattberg (Director of the Europe Program and a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), COL (Ret.) David Lamm (Deputy Director, NESA Center), Dr. Marcus D. King (Associate Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Elliott School’s Master of Arts in International Affairs Program at George Washington University), Dr. Jeni Klugman (Managing Director, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security), Mr. Todd Harrison (Director of Defense Budget Analysis and Aerospace Security at CSIS), Dr. Matthew Levitt (Director of the Reinhard Program on Counterterrorism & Intelligence at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
The views presented in this article are those of the speaker or author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its components.