IAEA: Algeria Elected as a Member of the Agency’s Board of Governors for 2023–2025 (Analysis)

NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui – Chairman of NSV Studies and Consultancy Center, Member of the Expert Advisory Council of the World Economic Forum and the “Track 2” Task Force of the United Nations System (UNCSR-1540), and NESA Center for Strategic Studies Alumni. 10 October 2023   Algeria was elected by the 67th Read More >


NESA Center Alumni Publication Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui Expert en Géopolitique et membre, du Conseil Consultatif d’Experts du World Economic Forum et est partie prenante dans divers Task Forces ‘Track 2’ du système des Nations Unies (UNCSR 1540). 2 Janvier 2022 L’Algérie signataire du Traité de Non-Prolifération  des Armes de Destruction Massive continue sans relache à Read More >

NESA IOR Digital Series with Pierre Morcos

09 February 2022 – This iteration of the NESA IOR Digital Series, led by NESA Center Professor Jeffrey Payne, featuring remarks by Pierre Morcos, who is currently a visiting fellow in the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Mr. Morcos, who also serves in the French Foreign Read More >