Chinese-brokered Iran-KSA Détente, “A Game-Changer or a Mirage?”

CSAG INFORMATION PAPER By: LTC Kashif Ehtisham, PAK Army (CSAG/CCJ5) and LTC René Berendsen, NLD Army (CSAG/CCJ5) 12 September 2023 Subject: Chinese-brokered Iran-KSA Détente, “A Game-Changer or a Mirage?” Purpose: To present CSAG’s analysis of the recent rapprochement between Iran and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) brokered by China. Read the complete paper here.   Read More >

Why Northeast India Matters For Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision?

by Dr. Rupakjyoti Borah, NESA Alumnus and Professor and Dean, School of Social Sciences, Kaziranga University, Assam, India. The recent visit of the Ambassador of Japan to Assam is very significant. This comes against the background of Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) Vision. This development also has to be seen in conjunction with initiatives like Read More >