July–August 2022 NESA Center Update Report

View the NESA Center July–August 2022 Update focused on Near East South Asia Region Trends regarding the Gulf. The update also highlights July through August 2022 NESA Center Programs & Events, Faculty & Staff Engagements, Alumni Contributions, and Upcoming Events. July–August 2022 Gulf Trends: There is great concern over a possible revival of an Iran Read More >

Will a Likely Future JCPOA be already worthless Because of Iran’s Nuclear Stockpiles?

By: LTC Arjen Wassink, NLD Army, CSAG CCJ5 29 Nov 2021 Introduction: The common perception of Iran’s threat is through its regional deployment and use of proxies, its tactical ballistic missiles, and the progressive enrichment of uranium to build a nuclear weapon. While it is possible that the US will return to the Joint Comprehensive Read More >